SPCA St. John’s Fundraising Auction 2024

All works in this auction have been donated through our Thrift Stores. Revenue from our two Stores provides the bulk of our funding. All money generated by this auction will be part of the operations budget for the SPCA St. John’s Adoption and Resource Centre (ARC) on RCAF Road. Fundraising events such as this help ensure that all animals entrusted to our care are fed, receive the required veterinary care, and are adopted to their ‘furever’ homes.
SPCA St. John's appreciates all donor support.
Thank you for attending our Fine Art Spring Auction
Featuring original works by Michelle Burry, Berthe Des Clayes, Les Gourley, Chris Lemaire, Stewart Montgomerie, Margaret- Ann Snow, Terry Smith, and Ted Stuckless
Books featuring the works of Mary and Christopher Pratt.
Fine art pieces by local artists, including: Dawn Baker, Pam Chafe, Terry Clarke, Derm Duggan, Sherry Eddy, Sheilagh Harvey, Catherine Jackman, J. Lake-Cavanagh, Kathleen Murphy, Jennifer Morgan, Margaret L. Penney, Barry Penton, Bobbi Pike, Ken Power, Lloyd Pretty, Elizabeth Scammell- Reynolds, Joan Roberts, , Gerald Squires, Wayne Squires, Rosanne Cranford Tizzard.
A Vintage Book Section, with a complete set of the Book of Newfoundland; The War Years by Winston Churchill; several historical books about Newfoundland; other books that were ‘timely’ many years ago; and the Complete Works of Shakespeare.
A Music section, with a flute, saxophone, and clarinet in our orchestra so far.
Photographers, including: Brian Bursey, Randy Dawe, Ben Hansen, Robert Holloway, Vikas Khaladkar, Don Lane, Brian Ricks, and Lorne Rostotski.
Guest appearances by: Abraham Lincoln, Barbie and Friends, David Blackwood, Winston Churchill, Bob Cole, Royal Dalton, Disney, Hummel, Harry Potter, Pooh and Pals, J. R. Smallwood, the Newfoundland Caribou, Little Women, and the Five Little Peppers.
More items added daily!