Session 1 - Unreserved Antique and Interesting Furniture, Persian Rugs, Antiquarian Books and Maps June 4-17, 2024

From more than 50 estates and collections, this auction features antique and interesting furniture, antiques and collectibles, fine Persian rugs, antiquarian books and maps. Interesting Newfoundland Regiment artifacts, foundry bookends, religious artifacts and more.
Special attention to Lucy Maud Montgomery signed copy of 'Anne of Green Gables', early 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Newfoundland maps dating from the 1700's and rare special interest books.
Worth viewing, a large, handmade scale model of the Newfoundland Railway in St. John's and surrounding buildings.
Pre-bidding begins June 4th and the auction begins to close at 7pm on Monday, June 17th.
In-Person Viewing
Suite 706 Atlantic Place - 215 Water Street, St. John's, NL
Saturday June 15th - Noon to 5pm
Sunday June 16th - 10am to 4pm (Note time change for Father's Day)
Monday June 17th - 10am to 6pm